Troop 48 - Girls
Meeting Night: Monday
Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Place: First United Methodist Church
42 Cross Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06905
(off Long Ridge Road, next to the former Lord & Taylor lower parking lot)
Year Founded: 2019
Scoutmaster: Jim O'Leary
Contact: 917-923-7390
Welcome to Troop 48 Stamford
The scouting program is about leadership and teamwork.
Troop 48 Overview
We strive for every youth to achieve the aims of Scouting: character development, citizenship training, leadership, and mental and physical fitness. By following the Scout Oath and Scout Law, scouts plan their activities, and progress toward their goals. Our monthly outdoor activities challenge and enable Scouts put a variety of skills into action, while having all kinds of fun.
The advancement program provides Scouts with opportunities to gain new understanding, learn useful skills, and receive recognition as they advance in rank. As a result, Scouts grow into individuals of good character.